The world is getting more and more complex, ever bigger and ever faster. I would like to instruct the TTOUCH Methode, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Shamanism to bring some peace, compassion and fellowship into the the world of young people.
The Tellington TTouch Methode offers a gentle approach to the care and training of companion animals, horses, farm animals, exotics and wildlife. It is an effective and empowering method that is helping humans by working with the animals and to do the methode for self-helping.
The Tellington Method is comprised this components:
– Gentle body work called Tellington TTouch comprised of circular touches, lifts, and slides;
– Movement exercises in “The Playground for Higher Learning
Jin Shin Jyutsu I like to use to let the person feel and know that you have the intuition, knowledge and power to help your self and other beings.
Shamanism the reconaction to nature! Drumming in nature, drumming for the animals. To be in natur to feel, smell and be touched by nature is such a powerful experience to do good for yourself and others.
I will offer 1-2-1 and small workshops in cooperation in cooperation with Assist Dogs Cornwall and the Children’s Clinic for Cornwall.
To all animal charitys in Cornwall and Devon!!
10 FREE Tellington TTOUCH introduction (3 hours) for you and your volunteer in 2023!