Reconnecting with nature – to be
Shamans/Shamanists are the gardener of energy
The shaman understands that everything in creation is alive and inter-connected in the web of life. Everything has a spirit, the animals, plants, rocks, places and that every spirit has power and wisdom to
share with us. The shaman is the walker between the worlds and is able to access and communicate with spirit in other dimensions, in whatever form, by entering into an altered state of awareness to gain
wisdom, guidance and healing for others.
Traditional and ancient cultures lived their lives in close harmony with nature and the ancestors and connected with spirit through the shamanists who developed a close working bond with their spirit allies, be it animal, plant or mineral, for guidance for themselves and others.
I have just successfully completed my Shinrin Yoku – Forest Bathing Diploma Course at the Centre of Excellence. In this training, the scientifically proven backgrounds of many of the practices used by shamans and nature healers were explained. Old knowledge explained in a new way.
As a shamanist, I try to access this for the benefit of others in several ways:
What you would experience from a shamanic session with me?
Initially, it is important to feel good with the person you’re called to help you, so please contact me for a chat. Every session will be different as we are all unique and individual. An initial informal talk will be had to clarify what it is that you need help with. Then I will ask you to get comfortable and relax, often on a couch or chair if preferred. Then, often with the aid of a drum or my voice or another instrument I will be guided by my allies, through the altered state of awareness, the direction of healing that we shall take.
Within my practice as a shamanist, I offer the opportunity for you to reconnect with your true self. If you feel shamanic healing could help you, or you would like to discuss any aspects of this, then for more information or a personal appointment please contact me.
I now also offer 1-2-1 viva ZOOM: