JIN SHIN JYUTSU © literally translates as
JIN – Man of Knowing and Compassions
SHIN – Creator
(Art of the Creator through Man of Knowing and Compassion)

Jin Shin Jyutsu, physio-philosophy, brings balance to the body’s energies, which promotes optimal health and well-being, and facilitates our own profound healing capacity. It is a valuable complement to conventional healing methods, inducing relaxation and reducing the effects of stress.

Jin Shin Jyutsu employs twenty-six “safety energy locks” along energy pathways that feed life into our bodies. When one or more of the paths becomes blocked, the resulting stagnation can disrupt the local area and eventually disharmonise the complete path of energy flow. Holding these energy locks in combination can bring balance to mind, body, and spirit.

Learning Jin Shin Jyutsu engages one in self-study, self-help. Through the process of “Now Know Myself” we recognise the wisdom of the body, and we learn to interpret the messages provided and utilise them to restore balance.

Jin Shin Jyutsu can be applied as self-help and also by a trained practitioner. A Jin Shin Jyutsu session generally lasts about an hour. It does not involve massage, manipulation of muscles, or use of drugs or substances. It is a gentle art, practised by placing the fingertips (over clothing) on designated safety energy locks, to harmonise and restore the energy flow. This facilitates the reduction of tension and stress which accumulate through normal daily living.

The knowledge to use this gentle Art of harmonizing on you, your beloved pet or animal companion is easy to begin using. The work focuses on the principles of self-help. You learn to work on yourself as you work on your four-legged friend.

Disharmonies and health conditions improved through this Art included:
– Lessening healing time after injury or surgery
– Digestive and elimination concerns
– Skeletal and muscular issues
– Circulatory problems
– Arthritis, rheumatism and other age related imbalances

In addition to these and many other physical ailments, Jin Shin Jyutsu can effectively assist in attitudinal disharmonies such as:
– Stubbornness, or aggressive behavior
– Fear issues
– Grief

Start your journey with holding your fingers!