A. (in the 90th and dementia) is sitting in her lovely, big armchair in front of the huge windows. It is 6:30 in the morning, the sun is rising over the hills. In the background we can hear the seagulls in the sky at the little harbour where she lives. I’m sitting in front of her on the floor while she’s eating an apple and I start holding her big toes. She starts moving her toes and says to me:”Tickeling wiggeling my toes!” I laugh and answer: “My fingers are tickeling wiggeling with your toes!” She is smiling and says: ” My toes are tickeling wiggeling with your fingers!” While she starts eating her apple again, I start doing gentle TTOUCHs with my flat hand on her skin. I end every TTOUCH with a little lift. Starting below her knee, holding with the left hand her heel (SEL 16 and 5) and than go down to her toes. Right leg, left leg and again, nearly 30 minutes. A. is very relaxed and she’s eating most of her apple with a little smile on her face! Afterwards she’s going to bed for a sleep. Thank you A. for these wonderful moments with you, nature, TTOUCH and Jin Shin Jyutsu!

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