Jin Shin Jyutsu for you and your animal

Thursday, 21. January 2021 at 18:30 GTM   3,5 hours ZOOM – Workshop   Jin Shin Jyutsu brings balance into the energetic system of us
bodies and stimulates the health and well-being from us and our
animals. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an art of life and strengthens the inner
self-healing process. It is a valuable and significant amendment to
traditional healing methods because it provokes a deep relaxation and reduces the effects of stress. JSJ works with 26 so called “safety-locks” within the energy flow which brings life into the body. In case one or more of these energetic lines are blocked, the result is a stagnation of the flow of energy into the respective zone and an energetic disorder. To hold a combination of safety-locks can rebalance you emotionally, physically and spiritually.
This art is very successful with animals, especially as an addition to academic and naturopathic treatment. It is also quite suitable for the correction of challenging
behaviour and for the consolidation of the relationship between
humans and animals.   £25 p.p. pre-booking is essential

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